
At Palmetto Legal Gophers, we have a proven record of serving papers for our customers safely and efficiently. We want our customers to be thrilled with our work, not just satisfied.

Gopher in a spring meadow.

When Palmetto Legal Gophers serves your papers, you can be assured we make attempts in the early morning, in the evenings, and even on weekends. We knock on neighbors' doors and try to gather information about the defendant. We check for signs of habitation such as garbage roll carts, if lights are on, etc., and we relay all of this back to our clients through our state of the art software that generates automated email messages on every attempt.

Prices as of July 1, 2023:

We are a firm believer in having a straightforward price list and as few extraneous fees as possible. All prices include service on as many as four people at the same address for the same case as long as we are able to serve everyone at the same time.

We believe in charging for effort, not paperwork. Our rates include complimentary printing up to 50 pages. We do have additional charges for serving large documents, skiptracing for a good address, providing witness fees for subpoenas, and serving on a Rush or Same Day basis.

  • Anywhere in the Carolinas – $131
  • Any other US State – Most areas at $209
  • International Service - Contact us for a quote